Tractor & Trailer issues
Tractor & Trailer issues

Tractor & Trailer issues
Common trailer issues to watch out for
- Check and make sure that the engine has enough clean oil. This helps avoid engine failure
- Make sure that the trailer is in its top-notch condition. Ensure that the service is done in due time.
- Make sure that you have all the necessary repair tool kit at your disposal.

How do you know if your Tractor/Trailer needs repair?
In the world of trucks, you will have to encounter some issues and problems. If the issues are unresolved or ignored for long, you will risk losing your vehicle or getting completely damaged.
The most common truck problems dealt
Engine Overheating
This is one of the leading causes of engine failure. Overheating may be caused by a blown gasket or issues arising from the fuel tank. To deal with this problem and prevent any failures, you can visit the best logistics repairs in Newcastle.
Brake Fluid Leaks and Brake Failures
Trucks experience brake failures and leaks due to the pressure placed on brakes. Proper maintenance will ensure that you avoid issues like brake failures and leakages. Wheel bearing issues include unusual noises from the truck’s wheels, unstable road movements, or vehicle jerking. If you notice these issues as a truck operator, visit logistics repairs in Newcastle and get a professional to check your wheel bearings to get your wheels to move smoothly.
Starter Failure
Starter failure is a common issue in tractor-trailers in cold areas. In logistics repairs in new castle, we deal with starter failure issues, mostly in the winter season. Therefore, in the winter season, your starter needs to be counter-checked. Starter issues will be determined as a problem with the ignition, and as an operator, you will notice this easily.
U-Joint Failures
U-joints, usually transfer power to the transmission differentiator. U-Joints need to be regularly lubricated to avoid wear and tear. When the U-joint is failing, you will notice a clicking sound or vibration at high speeds.